the Woggle Bloggle

tips and tricks to help you make fun happen

Top Tips for Happy Volunteers

This week on the Bloggle, we’re taking a look at the oft-forgotten community event. If you’re in charge of a community team or club, chances are that you rely on a solid team of volunteers to help out. Here are our tried and tested ways to retain volunteers and maximise their skills, all contributing to an event to remember!

Volunteers are the backbone of the community, it’s a thankless job and without them, many of our favourite events just wouldn’t get off the ground. If you’re an event organiser in your community or club, here are our top tips for victory with volunteers

Remember that a volunteer is a volunteer – They are giving up their time to help you out and are likely just as passionate about your cause as you are. However, whilst for you it may be a full time job, it’s important to remember that volunteers likely have other commitments to manage, including the 9-5 so bear that in mind to manage expectations.

Communication is your friend. Understandably, you might find yourself focusing on the end result – holding a successful event – but you need to stay on top of communicating with your team so everyone is aligned in working towards that goal. With Woggle, you can send messages, files and keep a to-do list to make sure you’re all on track.

Delegate, delegate, delegate – Yes, you’re in charge but no, you don’t have to go insane in the run up to a successful event. You have a team of willing volunteers so use them – get to know your team’s key strengths. Remember we mentioned that they might have full time jobs? Who’s an admin ace or people management powerhouse?  Now’s the time to leverage the people power that is available to you, your volunteers are there to help and will be thrilled to see their skills recognised.

There’s no “i” in “team” so make sure everybody feels like they count. Take the time after your event to check in with your volunteers to say “thank you” remember, your next event will be around in no time, so you’ll be counting on your trustworthy team to come together and make yet another event to remember!

What are your top tips for running a great event in the community?

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