The Noticeboard is a place to answer all of those questions you get asked over and over again. When does it start? Where exactly is it? What do I need to bring? How much is it? When does it start…? … Continue Reading →
Let people know about your event and keep track of who’s coming with the Invitations tool. You can add your invitees to the list and send out a personalised email invitation with an RSVP form which they can reply to… Continue Reading →
Woggle’s Expenses tool is a great way to get an initial estimate for how much your special event is going to cost in total and per person. And as your estimates become real expenses, you can update your Expense Items… Continue Reading →
To-dos are a great way of planning and organising what needs to get done. In Woggle, To-dos live within To-do Lists to keep them organised. You can have as many To-do Lists as you need and you can minimise them… Continue Reading →
That’s a good question! In the first instance Woggle is a tool that helps you when you are planning and organising your special events. Organise to-dos, track expenses, manage who’s coming, record who has paid, keep everyone in the loop…… Continue Reading →
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